Imagine clicking a button and instantly getting a list of 100s of most lucrative investment opportunities across the country presented to you in a nice interactive format. Our beloved "Deal Finder" feature does just that. You can also see where vendors are struggling to sell or are reducing prices to secure a BMV opportunities, some of them 20-30%
original asking prices.
🆕 One-Click Vendor Connection:
You might have noticed a new label on your Deal Finder results page: the 'D2V' signifier. This small tag represents a massive upgrade – indicating direct access to vendor addresses for specific deals.
But we didn't stop there. We've now integrated a "Contact Vendors" button that lets you reach out to all vendors with a single click and build an endless supply of Best Property Deals!
💡 AI-Powered Directmail Automation: Our cutting-edge AI-powered Directmail service combines with this new feature, streamlining
the way you approach vendors. You can now bypass traditional barriers and present your offers directly, increasing the likelihood of acceptance and speeding up the deal-making process.Start Searching