Property deals insight is a tool which gives you all the information you need when you need it. It highlights areas which are Property Hotspots, Quickly finds you deals, and generates Instant Property Analysis Reports to help you Analyse any property in seconds.
If you are unsure where to begin, Let's begin by having a look at our Property Heat Maps feature.
Instantly pick out Yield Hotspots, Identify latest trends by checking out average Asking Rents and Prices either by property types or number of bedrooms, sort and filter as you please from 1000s of live stock on the market.
Where can you find the best performing rental properties?
Identify Yield Hotspots
Identifying high yield areas through out United Kingdom would help narrow your search areas and filter out areas to avoid.
Analyse Area Performance
Check asking rents by comparing which areas have the highest/lowest asking rents through out UK?
Comparisons by Property Type and Beds
Best way to compare the asking prices is by assessing performance by property types e.g. Houses vs Flats or Where to go for 1 Bed vs 5 Bed HMOs?